Hotel Hospezi

Guesthouse and organic farming

basic principles

Winner of the Culture Award 2014 of the canton of Graubünden for its many years of activity in the field of organic farming and sustainable resource management as well as its commitment to the preservation of variety in Graubünden

It is the aim of our activity to live and work with passion and commitment in harmony with nature.
Consistency with regional traditions, respect for the environment and the spirit of innovation are the focal points of our way of life.
These thoughts also underlie our business activity:

I. Sustainable resource management - preserving a viable, natural environment

- Preservation and promotion of traditional, native garden and crop plants as well as livestock breeds.
- Soil management and livestock farming following the principles of organic and symbiotic farming.

II. The greatest possible self-sufficiency - added value through food processing in the company and in the region

- Products are manufactured, processed, marketed, consumed and disposed of locally.
- Creation of simple, manageable, locally anchored, closed business cycles.

III. Nature, tradition, tranquility and ambience

· The food and beverage offer is based on environmentally and socially responsible products. The dishes are freshly prepared according to simple, traditional ideas in careful cooking processes and presented exceptionally well.
· We value a quiet, natural and harmonious ambience.

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